Classification Depending on Evolution

Concept Explanation

Classification Depending on Evolution

The classification of organisms is closely related to their evolution. Evolution refers to the process by which the early organisms on the earth diversified into various forms through a slow and continuous process. The older forms have given rise to the newer forms. But the newer forms are sufficiently different to be recognized as new types (species) which breed amongst their own members and not with the ancestral types. The newly formed species in turn may give rise to still newer forms. This results in the complexity of structure, i.e., the older organisms are simpler and the younger organisms are more complex.

Evolution has two main perspectives:

  • Micro - evolution: The minor evolutionary changes of populations usually viewed over a few generations, is known as micro-evolution. e.g.: herbicide resistance, pesticide resistance etc.
  • Macro - evolution: The major evolutionary events usually viewed over a long period, such as formation of different species from common ancestors,is known as macro-evolution. e.g. : Origin of eukaryotic form, origin of human and extinction of Dinosaurs.
  • Based on evolution, organisms can be divided into two types:

  • Primitive organisms or lower organism : It is the organism which has a simple body structure and ancient body design that have not changed much over a period of time.
  • Advanced organism or higher organism:
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    Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

    According to the concept of evolution newer organisms are ___________ .

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 2

    The minor evolutionary changes of populations usually viewed over a few generations, is known as ______________________.

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 3

    The minor evolutionary changes that can be viewed over a few generation is called as ___________________.

    Right Option : C
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